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Iframe Help

Want to learn i-frames,well here's the place.

Step 1

First you need to open up a paint program(paint shop pro or ms paint) & make a new image.mine is 500 x 400.and make your different sections like mine.

Click here to view it

Step 2

OK now use your crop tool BUT DON'T ACCUALLY CROP ANYTHING

selection preview

Now make adjustments until your whole section is outlined wiht your crop tool

Step 3

do that for each section

Step 4

Ok now go to your host provider(i use freewebs or photobucket)& make a new page called layout.html & copy & paste this code.

This is where you'll put your image url & where you'll put the dimentions of each frame.

K now make a page called main.html & add this code to it.

Add whatever to it(updates,tagboard,whatever)

k now make a page called left.html & add this code to it

now make a page called right.html & add this code.

Step 5

Now save everything you did.I recommend saving constantly so you don't lose a thing.Add your stuff to it...& ta da you just learned iframes..great huh?

Step 6

To center an iframe use this code